2022年1月21日 参考:追加)
1. 定義・・年金支給後の消費を起点に所得消費の循環を消費所得回転率と定義。
2. 仮定・・年金支給からスタートする消費がすべて所得に回り
3. 分析・・GDPを回復させる効果は2か月ごとに約9兆円、
4. 結論・・消費所得回転率を上げるとGDPを回復させる効果が大きい。
5. 長所・・所得税、消費税の歳入が増え政府自治体の公的債務の増加を
6. 短所・・・年金受給者は現金支給を好む傾向にあり消費という経済活動が停滞している。
7. 課題解決・・・年金受給者にキャッシュレス決済を促す仕組みを整えるため
参考:日本経済新聞 2022年8月4日 9面 金融経済
デジタル円、23年度にも実験最終段階 決済効率に期待 解剖フィンテック 攻防CBDC(3)
参考: 日本経済新聞 2022年1月21日 朝刊1面 円の実力低下、50年前並み 弱る購買力、輸入に逆風 消費者、負担感増す
参考: 日本経済新聞 2021年4月26日 朝刊13面 経済教室 コロナ後のあるべき政策㊤ 消費回復へ賃金デフレ脱却
参考:「消費喚起こそ改革の本丸に」日本経済新聞 2020年10月24日朝刊
マーケット総合2 15面 大機小機
参考:日本経済新聞 2020年11月5日 朝刊21面マーケット総合2 大機小機 コロナ下の消費けん引役
1.Definition: The consumption-income turnover rate is defined as the income-consumption cycle starting from consumption after pension payments.
2.Assumption: All consumption starting from the pension payment is turned into income (with zero leakage to savings and business profits).
(with zero leakage to savings and business profits)
3.Assumption: All consumption that starts from pension payments turns into income (when there is no leakage to savings or business profits), and the economic activity that turns into consumption is assumed to be 1.0 turnover.
Analysis: The effect of recovering GDP is about 9 trillion yen every two months, or about 55 trillion yen per year (assuming no leakage of consumption tax).
(Excluding the impact of the consumption tax).
4.Conclusion: Increasing consumption income turnover has a large effect on GDP recovery.
Even if we assume that leakage to savings and business profits is 0.5 (50%)
If the consumption income turnover ratio is 2.0, the effect of recovering GDP would be about 55 trillion yen, or 10% of GDP.
An increase in total factor productivity can be expected.
5. advantage: Income tax and consumption tax revenues will increase, minimizing the increase in public debt of the government and local governments.
The increase in public debt of the government and local governments can be minimized. If the consumption income turnover rate can be increased, the economy will be able to recover to its pre-Corona level.
If the consumption income turnover ratio can be increased, the economy will recover to its pre-corona level more quickly. 6.
6.Disadvantages: Pensioners tend to prefer cash payments, and economic activities such as consumption are stagnant.
They are wary of the proliferation of private-sector cashless payment services, and use a large percentage of cash. 7.
7. solution・・・To set up a mechanism to encourage pensioners to use cashless payment services.
To promote the use of the Central Bank Digital Currency (CDBC).
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